Recent advancements in robotics and wearables made itpossible to augment humans with additional robotic limbs(e.g., extra pair of arms). However, these advances havebeen dispersed among different research communities withvery little attention to the user’s perspective. In this work wetake a first step to close this gap. We report on the resultsof two focus groups that uncovered expectations and concernsof potential users of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs(SRLs). There is a wide range of applications for SRLswithin daily usage contexts, like enabling new perceptions; commuting and communication methods as well as enhancingexisting ones. Yet, several requirements need to be metbefore SRLs can be widely adopted, such as multipurposedesign and adequate sensory feedback. We discuss howthese findings influence the design of future SRLs.
«Recent advancements in robotics and wearables made itpossible to augment humans with additional robotic limbs(e.g., extra pair of arms). However, these advances havebeen dispersed among different research communities withvery little attention to the user’s perspective. In this work wetake a first step to close this gap. We report on the resultsof two focus groups that uncovered expectations and concernsof potential users of Supernumerary Robotic Limbs(SRLs). There is a wide range of applications...