Braun, Felix:Application of algorithm-based validation tools for the validation of complex, multi-variant products 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Traxinger, Christoph:Real-Gas Effects and Single-Phase Instabilities during Injection, Mixing and Combustion under High-Pressure Conditions 2021Dissertation / Thesis
De Marchi, Alberto:Augmented Lagrangian and Proximal Methods for Constrained Structured Optimization 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Hößlin, Stefan von:Temperature Decline Thermography for Flow and Heat Transfer Visualization in Aerodynamics 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Zhang, Bingbing:Material Characterization, Modelling and Simulation of Epoxy Moulding Compounds under High Temperature Storage and Temperature Cycling Thermal Ageing 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Schwarz, Benjamin Maximilian:Nanoskopische Charakterisierung von strahlungsinduzierten DNA Schäden im Kontext der Chromatinstruktur und Reparaturproteinorganisation 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Hansinger, Maximilian:The Stochastic Fields Method in Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Partially Premixed Combustion 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Honecker, Fabian:Aufgabenzentriertes Pilotenassistenzsystem mit maschineller Tätigkeitserkennung und Workload-Abschätzung 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Loos, Klara:Strain-induced Crystallisation in Technical Rubber: from Experiments through Sophisticated Material Models to Advanced Simulations 2021Dissertation / Thesis
Volk, Andreas:Flow control through ultrasound-driven microbubble streaming 2020Dissertation / Thesis