Anders, Lukas; Schade, Julian; Rosewig, Ellen Iva; Kröger-Badge, Thomas; Irsig, Robert; Jeo, Seongho; Bendl, Jan; Saraji-Bozorgzad, Mohammad Reza; Huang, Jhih-Hong; Zhang, Fu-Yi; Wang, Chia C.; Adam, Thomas; Sklorz, Martin; Etzien, Uwe; Buchholz, Bert; Czech, Hendryk; Streibel, Thorsten; Passig, Johannes; Zimmermann, Ralf: Detection of ship emissions from distillate fuel operation via single-particle profiling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons . In: Environmental Science: Atmosphere, 3. 2023 , 8 . - S. 1127–1244
Zeitschriftenartikel / Journal Article