An (un)solvable problem in SIMS: B-interfacial profiling
Applied Surface Science
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Annealing ; Doping (additives) ; Secondary ion mass spectrometry ; Segregation (metallography) ; Silicon; Sputtering ; Low energy implantation ; Boron
To get an insight in the diffusion behavior of boron after annealing and in particular its segregation characteristics towards the interface in oxide structures on silicon, it is necessary to probe the boron profile with very high accuracy and depth resolution. Sputter depth profiling as employed in secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is frequently used as the most suited tool for dopant profiling in view of its sensitivity and depth resolution. However, in order to determine the segregated boron peak, sub-nm depth resolution is required and artifacts such as beam induced broadening effects, potential ionization yield changes at interfaces, transient sputter yields need to be considered in detail. When reducing the primary beam energy the depth resolution can be improved and sub-nm depth sensitivity can be demonstrated. However, comparisons with high-resolution elastic recoil detection analysis demonstrate that even under those conditions no reliable depth profile can be obtained in the first nm near the surface nor even in the oxide part of the profile, where no ionization nor sputter yield transients are expected. Enhanced beam induced migration of boron during the initial phase of the bombardment needs to be invoked to explain the results. «
To get an insight in the diffusion behavior of boron after annealing and in particular its segregation characteristics towards the interface in oxide structures on silicon, it is necessary to probe the boron profile with very high accuracy and depth resolution. Sputter depth profiling as employed in secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is frequently used as the most suited tool for dopant profiling in view of its sensitivity and depth resolution. However, in order to determine the segregated b... »