The European Protected Waveform (EPW) project has the objective to design an integrated
multi-layered security and resiliency system for next-generation defence satellite networks with a
fully European Protected Waveform (EPW) and accompanying technologies for satellite communications resilient against ill-intentioned acts. This EPW project must give an answer to five key challenges: being innovative, support European autonomy and cooperation between Member States, offering affordable and efficient satellite services, being flexible and scalable and featuring a Multi-layered security and resilience.
«The European Protected Waveform (EPW) project has the objective to design an integrated
multi-layered security and resiliency system for next-generation defence satellite networks with a
fully European Protected Waveform (EPW) and accompanying technologies for satellite communications resilient against ill-intentioned acts. This EPW project must give an answer to five key challenges: being innovative, support European autonomy and cooperation between Member States, offering affordable and effi...