SPRITE is a multi-disciplinary European training network which brings together Europe’s premier research institutes in technology and applications of ion beams. Those involved are already actively collaborating, for example in the recently very favorably reviewed EC Infrastructure project SPIRIT.\r\nSPRITE addresses the urgent European need - identified in a recent Foresight Review - to train the next generation of researchers in this multi- and supra- disciplinary emerging field. Through its Internship Mobility Partnerships (IMPs) SPRITE offers an innovative training package, providing the researchers with the opportunity to gain “real world” experience and “business facing skills” in the private and public sectors. In addition, ELVEs (European Laboratory Visit Exchanges) are an integral part of the training program. In combination with the IMPs, every ER and ESR will thus spend up to 30% of its time outside its host laboratory, part of this time in another EC country. Collaboration with the IAEA opens up a further dimension to SPRITE, enabling the researchers to put their research into a global context and to\r\ninteract with scientists from all over the world.\r\nDespite the numerous participants SPRITE is able to offer a “personalized” training program. For this\r\npurpose the “Action Planner”, a web-based training needs analysis tool, developed at the University of Surrey will be used. These maps on to the Researcher Development Framework, are currently being trialed by the European Science Foundation. Action Planner allows the training for each researcher to be tailored to their individual needs and aspirations. In addition to individualized training, SPRITE\r\norganizes network wide training events, encompassing amongst others technical training and business facing skills. In this way SPRITE researchers will leave not only as a brilliant and experienced researcher but also as a skilled manager, able to lead their own group.\r\n
«SPRITE is a multi-disciplinary European training network which brings together Europe’s premier research institutes in technology and applications of ion beams. Those involved are already actively collaborating, for example in the recently very favorably reviewed EC Infrastructure project SPIRIT.\r\nSPRITE addresses the urgent European need - identified in a recent Foresight Review - to train the next generation of researchers in this multi- and supra- disciplinary emerging field. Through its In...