@inproceedings{, author = {Dobratz, Susanne; Borghoff, Uwe M.; Rödig, Peter; Schoger, Astrid; Rätzke, Björn}, title = {The Use of Quality Management Standards in Trustworthy Digital Archives}, editor = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects, The British Library, London, UK, September 29-30, 2008}, series = {}, journal = {}, address = {}, publisher = {Farquhar (ed.)}, edition = {}, year = {2008}, isbn = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {205-212}, url = {https://hdl.handle.net/11353/10.294155}, doi = {}, keywords = {}, abstract = {}, note = {}, institution = {Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Informatik, INF 2 - Institut für Softwaretechnologie, Professur: Borghoff, Uwe M.}, }