@inproceedings{, author = {Riedl, Martin; Siegle, Markus}, title = {A LAnguage for REconfigurable dependable Systems: Semantics and Dependability Model Transformation}, editor = {}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (VECoS)}, series = {}, journal = {}, address = {}, publisher = {CNAM, Paris, France}, edition = {}, year = {2012}, isbn = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {78-89}, url = {}, doi = {}, keywords = {}, abstract = {}, note = {}, institution = {Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Informatik, INF 3 - Institut für Technische Informatik, Professur: Siegle, Markus}, }