@phdthesis{, author = {Karl, Ines}, title = {Ermittlung des spezifischen Assistenzbedarfs junger, unerfahrener Fahrerinnen und Fahrer zur Auslegung von Fahrerassistenzsystemen}, editor = {}, booktitle = {}, series = {}, journal = {}, address = {}, publisher = {}, edition = {}, year = {2016}, isbn = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, url = {}, doi = {}, keywords = {Fahrerassistenzsystem; Fahranfänger; Unfallanalyse}, abstract = {Young and inexperienced drivers between 18 and 24 years are still overrepresented in fatal car accidents. Main reasons for the high accident risk of this driver group are age and experience related factors. In contrast, age and experience related factors should not play a significant role in car accidents of middle-aged and driving experienced drivers. The development of advanced driver assistance systems is technology-driven and focuses primarily on the needs of the middle-aged drivers who possess the required financiel means. Hence, it cannot be necessarily concluded that advanced driver assistance systems support the young and inexperienced drivers in the same manner as middle-aged and experienced drivers. However, it can be assumed that advanced driver assistance systems which are especially designed for the driving skills and special needs of the young and inexperienced drivers are likely to significantly reduce the high accident risk of this driver group. Aim of this work was therefore to identify the need for driving assistance of young and inexperienced drivers. For this purpose, detailed knowledge of driving skills and problems concerning the driving task as well as of specific accident causes of this driver group are necessary. Part I of this work explored the main accident causes of the young and inexperienced drivers through a detailed accident analysis method and compared them to those of the middle-aged and experienced driver group. In both driver groups, accidents were mainly caused by problems related to information perception. Part II of this work focused on the driving style and hazard perception in everyday driving situations. The Driver Behaviour Questionnaire was used and two empirical studies were performed in order to examine the extent to which young and inexperienced drivers have deficits concerning their driving style and hazard perception and how these deficits are different from those of the middle-aged and experienced driver group. Analogously to the results of the first part, no statistical significant differences between the two driver groups could be determined. Part III of this work concentrates on the question whether young and inexperienced drivers need specific characteristics of advanced driver assistance systems. Based on the previously discussed results, this does not seem to be necessary. Nevertheless, recommendations concerning the need of assistance and the strategies for warning and interventions of advanced driving assistance systems could be derived from the results of parts I and II which have the potential to increase the traffic safety of young and inexperienced drivers in particular. For example, hazard perception of this driver group could be supported with the presentation of appropriate information and warnings. In contrast, partial or fully automated driver assistance systems do not seem to be necessary.}, note = {}, school = {Universität der Bundeswehr München}, }