@article{, author = {Brehmer, Yvonne; Li, Shu-Chen; Straube, Benjamin; Stoll, Gundula; von Oertzen, Timo; Müller, Viktor; Lindenberger, Ulman}, title = {Comparing memory skill maintanence across the life span : Preservation in adults, increase in children}, editor = {}, booktitle = {}, series = {}, journal = {Psychology and Aging}, address = {}, publisher = {}, edition = {}, year = {2008}, isbn = {}, volume = {23}, number = {2}, pages = {227-238}, url = {}, doi = {}, keywords = {}, abstract = {}, note = {}, institution = {Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Humanwissenschaften, Department für Psychologie, Professur: von Oertzen, Timo}, }