@manual{ titlea = "Prof.", vornamea = "Thomas", namea = "Apel", departmenta = "Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Umweltwissenschaften", institutea = "BAU 1 - Institut für Mathematik und Computergestützte Simulation", titleb = "", vornameb = "", nameb = "", departmentb = "", instituteb = "", titlec = "", vornamec = "", namec = "", departmentc = "", institutec = "", external-funds = "Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft e. V. (DFG)", company = "", project-title = "IGDK 1754/2-2021, Internationales Graduiertenkolleg München Graz, Projekt P5", project-abstract = "The project deals with discretization error estimates for elliptic boundary control problems with special focus on the peculiarities coming from the consideration of non-smooth structures.", proj-beginn = "01.01.2020", proj-end = "31.08.2021", forschungszentrum = "" }