@book{, author = {Herschinger, Eva}, title = {Constructing Global Enemies : Hegemony and Identity in International Discourses on Terrorism and Drug Prohibition}, editor = {}, booktitle = {}, series = {The New International Relations Series}, journal = {}, address = {Abingdon, New York}, publisher = {Routledge}, edition = {}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978-0-415-59685-5 ; 978-1-138-81143-0 ; 978-0-203-83638-5}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, url = {}, doi = {}, keywords = {Diskurstheorie ; Drogenhandel ; Geschichte ; Hegemonie ; Internationale Politik ; Internationaler Terrorismus ; Politische Identität ; Weltordnung}, abstract = {}, note = {}, }