@manual{ titlea = "Prof.", vornamea = "Annika", namea = "Sehl", departmenta = "Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft", institutea = "BW 4 - Institut für Journalistik", titleb = "", vornameb = "", nameb = "", departmentb = "", instituteb = "", titlec = "", vornamec = "", namec = "", departmentc = "", institutec = "", external-funds = "European Broadcasting Union ", company = "", project-title = "PSM news monitoring", project-abstract = "Monitoring and reporting on the latest publications about news and journalism research in the industry press, covering Europe and other key markets, in order to achieve a more comprehensive overview of the latest developments related to PSM news. Areas to be covered include: - Trust in news, with a focus on PSM - The influence of news/ fake news on societal polarization - News consumption habits and audience behaviors - The role of platforms in the news business (focus on Europe) - The value and impact of news on societal wellbeing - Any statistics related to freedom of speech / expression, media pluralism, etc. ", proj-beginn = "19.07.2019", proj-end = "31.10.2019", forschungszentrum = "" }