@manual{ titlea = "Prof.", vornamea = "Wolfgang", namea = "Hommel", departmenta = "Fakultät für Informatik", institutea = "INF 2 - Institut für Softwaretechnologie", titleb = "", vornameb = "", nameb = "", departmentb = "", instituteb = "", titlec = "", vornamec = "", namec = "", departmentc = "", institutec = "", external-funds = "European Defence Agency (EDA)", company = "", project-title = "ANQuOR Advanced Networking with Quantum Communication for Operational Resultsde", project-abstract = "The Advanced Networking with Quantum communications for Operational Results (ANQuOR for short) project proposal supports exploration of future European military quantum (safe) communications capabilities with quantum technology. This project proposal derives from the EDA Captech Information.", proj-beginn = "01.10.2023", proj-end = "30.09.2026", forschungszentrum = "FI CODE" }