@unpublished{, author = {Pobudzei, Maryna; Kemmerzehl, Richard; Ulusoy, Christoph; Hoffmann, Silja}, title = {Beyond the City: Testing Shared Micromobility with MORE Sharing }, editor = {}, booktitle = {}, series = {}, journal = {}, address = {}, publisher = {}, edition = {}, year = {2023}, isbn = {}, volume = {}, number = {}, pages = {}, url = {}, doi = {}, keywords = {MORE Sharing ; shared micromobility ; non-urban mobility ; rural mobility ; mobility lab ; shared micromobility testbed }, abstract = {Shared mobility services are a promising solution to promote sustainable transportation and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, implementing such services in non-urban, less-dense areas has significant challenges, including funding, infrastructure, regulations, public perception, data and technology, and equity. To overcome these challenges, establishing shared mobility services requires strategies like collaborating with local government and community organizations, offering subsidies and incentives for ridership, and learning from successful case studies. When planning and implementing shared mobility projects, it is crucial to identify the target market, analyze the local mobility market, and carefully select the appropriate vehicles, business model, software, and financing strategy. The MORE Sharing case study at the University of theBundeswehr in Munich demonstrates how a micromobility sharing system on alarge campus can increase the accessibility and availability of transport. Thesystem utilizes IoT devices, geofencing technology, and a proven booking platform to make vehicle booking and access easy for users. The project also aims to provide insights into user preferences, usage motives, target group segmentation, systemrequirements, and business models that can be implemented through the bookingplatform. As a result, the MORE Sharing system can be evaluated for its impact on user satisfaction, usage rates, and the environment while inspiring other institutions to implement similar shared mobility projects, ultimately leading to more sustainable and efficient mobility systems.}, note = {Vortrag bei EWGT2023 – EURO Working Group on Transportation, Spain, September 2023}, institution = {Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Bauingenieurwesen und Umweltwissenschaften, BAU 7 - Institut für Verkehrswesen und Raumplanung, Professur: Hoffmann, Silja}, }