@article{, author = {Rohkamp, Marius; Rabl, Alexander; Gündling, Benedikt; Saraji-Bozorgzad, Mohammad Reza; Mull, Christopher; Bendl, Jan; Neukirchen, Carsten; Helcig, Christian; Adam, Thomas; Gümmer, Volker; Hupfer, Andreas}, title = {Detailed Gaseous and Particulate Emissions of an Allison 250-C20B Turboshaft Engine}, editor = {}, booktitle = {}, series = {}, journal = {Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power}, address = {}, publisher = {}, edition = {}, year = {2024}, isbn = {}, volume = {146}, number = {4}, pages = {041009}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4063693}, doi = {10.1115/1.4063693}, keywords = {Emissions ; Engines ; Particulate matter}, abstract = {}, note = {}, institution = {Universität der Bundeswehr München, Fakultät für Maschinenbau, MB 6 - Institut für Chemie und Umwelttechnik;MB 8 - Institut für Aeronautical Engineering, Professur: Hupfer, Andreas ; Adam, Thomas}, }