@manual{ titlea = "Prof.", vornamea = "Matthias", namea = "Gerdts", departmenta = "Fakultät für Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik", institutea = "LRT 1 - Institut für Mathematik und Rechneranwendung", titleb = "", vornameb = "", nameb = "", departmentb = "", instituteb = "", titlec = "", vornamec = "", namec = "", departmentc = "", institutec = "", external-funds = "SOBEN SAS", company = "", project-title = "Compatibility study of a software package with a quarter car testbench", project-abstract = "The aim of the project is to validate the compatibility of a software package called CesQT with a quarter car testbench produced by SOBEN SAS. The validation will be performed in cooperation with SOBEN SAS at the premises of SOBEN and the Engineering Mathematics group at the Universität der Bundeswehr München.", proj-beginn = "23.01.2013", proj-end = "31.07.2014", forschungszentrum = "" }