The environmental benefits of low emissions lean burn technology in reducing NOx emissions up to 80% will
only be effective when these are deployed to a large range of new aero-engine applications. While integrating
and developing low emission combustion design rules, IMPACT-AE will deliver novel combustor design
methodologies for advanced engine architectures and thermodynamic cycles. It will support European engine
manufacturers to pick up and keep pace with the US competitors, being already able to exploit their new low
emission combustion technology to various engine applications with short turn-around times. Key element of
the project will be the development and validation of design methods for low emissions combustors to reduce
NOx and CO emissions by an optimization of the combustor aero-design process. Preliminary combustor design
tools will be coupled with advanced parametrisation and automation tools. Improved heat transfer and NOx
models will increase the accuracy of the numerical prediction. The advanced representation of low emission
combustors and the capability to investigate combustor scaling effects allow an efficient optimisation of future
combustors targeting a cut of combustor development time by 50%.
«The environmental benefits of low emissions lean burn technology in reducing NOx emissions up to 80% will
only be effective when these are deployed to a large range of new aero-engine applications. While integrating
and developing low emission combustion design rules, IMPACT-AE will deliver novel combustor design
methodologies for advanced engine architectures and thermodynamic cycles. It will support European engine
manufacturers to pick up and keep pace with the US competitors, being a...