The objective of AFDAR is to develop, assess and demonstrate new image-based experimental technologies
for the analysis of aerodynamic systems and aerospace propulsion components. The main development
focus is on new three-dimensional methods based on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to measure the flow
field around aircraft components, and on the high-speed version of the planar technique for the analysis in
time-resolved regime of transient/unsteady aerodynamic problems. The progress beyond the state of the art with
respect to current technologies is summarized by three aimed breakthroughs: 1) three-dimensional volumetric
measurements over wings and airfoils; 2) time-resolved measurements and aerodynamic analysis several
orders of magnitude faster than today; 3) turbulence characterization in aerodynamics wind-tunnels at resolution
orders of magnitude higher than today by Long-Range Micro-PIV. The project ultimately aims to support the
design of better aircraft and propulsion systems by enabling the designer to use experimental data during
the development cycle of unprecedented completeness and quality. The work also covers the simultaneous
application of PIV-based techniques and other methods to determine aeroacoustic noise emissions from airframe
and to improve combustion processes to lower NOx, CO2 and soot emissions from engines.
«The objective of AFDAR is to develop, assess and demonstrate new image-based experimental technologies
for the analysis of aerodynamic systems and aerospace propulsion components. The main development
focus is on new three-dimensional methods based on Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) to measure the flow
field around aircraft components, and on the high-speed version of the planar technique for the analysis in
time-resolved regime of transient/unsteady aerodynamic problems. The progress b...